Sunday, August 26, 2007

Xochicalco, Mexico


Ancient shrine lost
In the mists of time
Amidst your feathered-
Serpent temples
Your various ball courts
Where cattle graze
Upon your grasses now
I set my novel of
Betrayals, the towering Toltecs
A forgotten race
Were you a peaceful place
Like Delphi
Or Olympia, for scholars
Or athletes
To gather, forsaking war
To commune
With fellow tribes, with clans
Covering vast
Distances, were you known
For your flowers
The brilliant color of your friezes
Your bark-bound
Books which told the story
Of your people
But were burned by friars
From another place
Another time, differing religious
Beliefs, who were
Your conquerors, O, Xochicalco,
Sleep on
Unveil your secrets when the
Time is ripe
Your mysteries to people who
Can comprehend
The majesty of your endeavors
Sleep on
Till future eras have a need for
Your philosophy
Your knowledge of the universe
Your civilization
Leap from the bounds of earth
Were they, the time is coming
No one can predict when you
Will again
Be in harmony with the cosmos
And the earthlings
Will benefit from your wisdom


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